Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's been a while...

I haven't posted in quite a while, as I've been catching up on the rest of life after the DSMs. The blogs in general are a little slower, and libnews has been completely inactive for several weeks. So, I haven't had time to comment on a lot of issues. This post is an attempt to throw out a few random thoughts; forgive me for my lack of in-depth analysis for the time being.

1) Re: the leadership race, it's completely Ignatieff and Rae. They have strength across the country, they're comfortable in both languages, they have the media attention, and they have the most support in general. Both Dion and Kennedy have an outside chance, a chance which becomes much greater if any anybody-but-Ignatieff-or-Rae movement emerges. That being said, I don't think it will, and I think most delegates will end up choosing between a relative newcomer to politics and someone with so much baggage he'd have to buy the whole airplane for storage. It'll be an interesting choice, and, I think that if Liberals act strategically in looking at their prospects in the next election, they'll ultimately support Ignatieff. If this isn't their primary concern, all bets are off.

2) Re: North Korea,...yeah, there isn't much to say, except, as I said a few weeks ago, that it's going to be an interesting little while...

3) Re: Garth Turner, I respect him much more than I respect most tories (/former tories). Although I disagree with some of his views, I like many of them, and I like his blog, and I like that he feels comfortable criticizing his party. I feel bad for him politically that he was kicked out ("suspended indefinitely), but I hope he joins the Greens, serves as their first MP, builds credibility for himself, and is re-elected in Halton in the next election. He's for the most part an intelligent man.

4) More later...


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